Soal Uas Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 1 Terbaru Tahun Fatwa 2018/2019

Berikut ini yaitu pola soal UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 6 semester 1 terbaru tahun pemikiran 2018/2019. Soal sudah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban. Semoga soal UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 6 semester 1 ini sanggup dijadikan tumpuan untuk berguru khususnya adik-adik kelas 6 guna persiapan diri menghadapi Ulangan Akhir Semester 1.

Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 1 Terbaru

Berikut ini yaitu pola soal UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas  Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 1 Terbaru Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019

I. Read the text carefully then answer the questions based on the text !

Good morning, friends. Let me introduce myself. l am Yolanda. I live in Surabaya,
East Java. I live with my father, my mother, my brother, and my sister. So, there are
five people in my family. We live in a big house. There is a big garage in my house. There is a car in the garage. That is my father's car. That is his car. There is also a motorcycle. The motorcycle is my mother's. That is her motorcycle. There are three bicycles in the garage. They belong to me, my brother, and my sister. They are our bicycles. The bicyces are ours. We ride our bicycles to school.

1. Whom does Yolanda live?
Answer : She lives in ...............................................................................................

2. Whom does Yolanda live with?
Answer : She lives with her ...............................................................................................

3. What are there in Yolanda's garage?
Answer : There are ..................., ......................, and .........................................................

4. Whom does the car belong to?
Answer : lt belongs to Yolanda's .................................................................................

5. Whom does the motorcycle belong to?
Answer : It belongs to Yolanda's ...............................................................................

II. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, or d !
1. A: .... is your house?"
B: "Go straight, ahead then turn left "
a. What
b. Who
c. Where
d. When

Berikut ini yaitu pola soal UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas  Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 1 Terbaru Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019
The bank is .... the police station.
a. across from
b. behind
c. between
d. beside

3. The opposite of west is ....
a. east
b. nort
c. south
d. southeast

4. We usually put the flover vase .... table.
a. in
b. on
c. under
d. behind

Berikut ini yaitu pola soal UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas  Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 1 Terbaru Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019
Arman is .... the wall.
a. in front of
b. beside
c. under
d. behind

6. A: "Whose bag is that?"
B: "That bag belongs to Rangga. That is ....
a. his
b. hers
c. yours
d. theirs

7. Butcher is a person who sells ....
a. fruits
b. meat
c. vegetables
d. clothes

8. A : “How much does the doll cost?”
B : It .... fifty five thousand rupiahs.
a. cost
b. costed
c. costs
d. costing

9. Nina is 142 cm, Vivi is 150 cm, Diandra is 160 cm, Risti is 138 cm. The tallest girl is ....
a. Nina
b. Vivi
c. Diandra
d. Risti

10. The king lives in a ....
a. kingdom
b. hospital
c. temple
d. hotel

11. .... The baby is sleeping.
a. Don't make noise
b. Be happy
c. Be careful!
d. Be diligent

Dialogue for number 12 and 13
Susi : "Where do you want to go?"
Meila : I want to go to the fruit stall."
Susi : "What do you want to buy there?"
Meila : I want to buy apples there."
12. Meila wants to go to the ....
a. mall
b. butcer
c. fruit stall
d. greengrocer

13. Meila wants to buy ....
a. apples
b. oranges
c. pineapples
d. grapes

14. Amelia has a new bag. The bag is ....
a. her
b. hers
c. him
d. yours

14. My brother has a .... nose.
a. pointed
b. chubby
c. long
d. fat

15. The salt is 5 kg. The sugar is 3 kg. The salt is .... than the sugar.
a. smaller
b. longer
c. lighter
d. heavier

16. I usually go fishing in the ....
a. market
b. field
c. river
d. museum

17. Angga is fat, but his brother is ....
a. big
b. small
c. long
d. thin

19. The park is behind the school. The antonym of behind is ....
a. in front of
b. between
c. next to
d. beside

20. You have a toy car. The toy car is ....
a. you
b. your
C. yours
d. you are

21. I have a new pencil. The pencil is ....
a. my
b. yours
c. mine
d. ours

22. We have balls. The balls are ....
a. theirs
b. yours
c. ours
d. him

Dialogue for number 23 and 24
Indah : ‘Whose pencil case is that?”
Silvi : “That is Irma’s pencil case. The pencil case is hers”.
Indah : “What is the color of it?”
Silvi : “ The color of the pencil case is pink.”
23. The pencil case belongs to ....
a. Indah
b. Silvi
c. Irma
d. Indah and Silvi

24. The color of the pencil case is ....
a. red
b. green
c. blue
d. pink

25. I have a new eraser.
It is .... eraser.
a. me
b. my
c. mine
d. your

26. Once upon time, .... a good hero.
a. there was
b. there is
c. there were
d. there are

27. The daughter of the king is ....
a. queen
b. prince
c. emperor
d. princess

28. The legend of Prambanan temple is from ....
a. East Java
b. Central Java
c. West Java
d. Jakarta

29. Majapahit was a... long time ago.
a. district
b. village
c. kingdom
d. country

30. A: "What can we learn from the story of Malin Kundang?"
B. "We have to be good to our .... ."
a. teachers
b. parents
c. friends
d. headmasters

Ill Arrange into good sentences!
1. Nina- shopping - Does - to - like – go?
Answer : ...................................................................................................

2. a – pair of – wants – buy – Nando – to – shoes
Answer : ...................................................................................................

3. allowed – We - not - to are stop
Answer : ...................................................................................................

4. a girl - is - Luna – beautiful
Answer : ...................................................................................................

5. giant - was - big - so – The
Answer : ...................................................................................................

IV. Translate these sentences into English !
1. Tiara suka menari di hari libur
Answer : ...................................................................................................

2. Sapiku lebih gemuk daripada sapimu
Answer : ...................................................................................................

3. Kamus itu harganya mahal
Answer : ...................................................................................................

4. Boneka itu milik Denis
Answer : ...................................................................................................

5. Pada zaman dahulu, ada seekor ular yang besar
Answer : ...................................................................................................

Kunci Jawaban Room I

1. Surabaya
2. She lives with her father, her mother, her brother, and her sister
3. There are car, motorcycle, and bicycles
4. father
5. mother

Kunci Jawaban Room II

1. c. Where
2. d. beside
3. a. east
4. b. on
5. d. behind
6. a. his
7. b. meat
8. c. costs
9. c. Diandra
10. a. kingdom
11. a. Don't make noise
12. c. fruit stall
13. a. apples
14. b. hers
14. a. pointed
15. d. heavier
16. c. river
17. d. thin
19. a. in front of
20. c. yours
21. c. mine
22. c. ours
23. c. Irma
24. d. pink
25. b. my
26. a. there was
27. d. princess
28. b. Central Java
29. c. kingdom
30. b. parents

Kunci Jawaban Room III

1. Does Nina like to go shopping?
2. Nando wants to buy a pair of shoes
3. We are not allowed to stop
4. Luna is a beautiful girl
5. The giant was so big

Kunci Jawaban Room IV

1. Tiara likes dancing on holiday
2. My cow is fatter than your cow
3. The dictionary is expensive
4. The doll belongs to Denis
5. Once upon time, there was a big snake

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Itulah Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 1 Terbaru Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019 yang sanggup aku bagikan. Semoga bermanfaat.

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